Date & Time: June 04, 2021, 10 AM – 12 PM PST
Location: Online
Registration deadline: June 03, 2021 by 4 PM
Cost: Free to BCPLAN Members; $25 to Non-Members
The past year has been nothing but productive and successful for the Action Network, and we are now excited to share with you where we are at now and what is coming next. Please join us at the 2021 Annual General Meeting and Symposium to:
- Learn more about the state of micro-credentials in British Columbia, and how PLAR can help with recognition of micro-credentials in a post-secondary environment
- Get an update on the projects we have undertaken in the last year
- Hear the Reports from the President and the Treasurer
- Elect the new BCPLAN Board of Directors
- Find out about upcoming events
10 AM – 10:10 AM - Meet & Greet
10:10 AM – 10:35 AM - Presentation # 1
Micro-credential models that meet the needs of learners: standalone, stackable, and PLAR-enabled
David Porter, Ed. D., Commonwealth of Learning
The presentation will provide a landscape approach to exploring micro-credentials looking at three dominant models of practice with examples from Canada, Australia and New Zealand, including models with a PLAR focus. The presenter will also discuss the design, development, quality assurance and delivery (operations) aspects of using micro-credentials within higher education programs.
About the presenter

Dr. David Porter is Senior Adviser – Higher Education at Commonwealth of Learning (col.org). He is a long-time advocate for the benefits of adapting new technology to deliver educational opportunities and has been involved in online, open and distance learning since the 1990s.
David was the CEO of eCampusOntario from 2016-2020, leading initiatives across Ontario’s 45 universities and colleges to innovate in the online learning space and explore new ideas such as micro-credentials to provide nimble pathways to learning and skills training.
David has also worked as a project leader and consultant for international open and distance learning initiatives, including projects in Mongolia, Vietnam, and India. In 2018, he was awarded the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education’s Leadership Award. On October 9, 2019, he received an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia, for his work in innovating teaching and learning practices using educational technologies.
10:35 AM – 11:00 AM - Presentation # 2
Current state of micro-credentials in British Columbia
David Drohan, Senior Policy Analyst, Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training
The presentation will provide an overview on micro-credential work being undertaken by the Provincial Government and the Province’s approach to micro-credentials in BC’s public post-secondary system. Details will include context and overview of the work, information on recent pilot projects, development of a draft micro-credential framework and next steps.
About the presenter

David Drohan is a Senior Policy Analyst with the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training. David’s experience has included working at the federal and provincial level, as well as in the telecommunications, IT, post-secondary and non-profit sectors in policy, programs, legislation and management. David is a Master’s of Public Administration student at the University of Victoria.
11:00 AM – 11:30 AM - Q&A Session
Questions will be gathered from the participants in advance of the Symposium. Please submit your questions for by completing the Google Form.
Annual General Meeting
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
2021 AGM Agenda
2020 AGM Minutes
To learn more about BCPLAN and to become a member please visit www.bcplan.ca/join.
For any questions please email info@bcplan.ca.
We look forward to seeing you!