PICS was established in 1987 and is a CARF accredited community-based non-profit service provider that assists immigrants and the local community members by providing a comprehensive network of services and programs in the Lower Mainland with offices located in Surrey, Vancouver and White Rock. PICS services focus on a full range of support activities that support its mission to promote harmony and intercultural understanding for the purpose of building a more inclusive and mutually respectful society.
BCPLAN has agreed to provide PLAR information and services to the Progressive Intercultural Services Society (PICS) advisors tasked with reviewing the education, training and work experience of PICS Foreign Credential Recognition Loan (FCRL) program clients. As a result, the below portfolios have been developed for a variety of professions. The portfolios are aimed at helping newcomers achieve their career goals by recognizing international credentials and experiential learning. The portfolios are also a great resource for an overview of career paths for occupations in British Columbia.
Lawyer (see also Becoming a Lawyer in BC)
Public Policy and International Development
Environmental Public Health Professional (EPHP)
Public Health Inspector (see also certification flow diagram)
Chemical Technician/Technologist
Vocational Rehabilitation and Disability Management