BCPLAN is a network of organizations and individuals who have come together from across the province. Together we promote increased access to post secondary credentials and skilled employment through the informed recognition of the skills and knowledge adults bring to post secondary institutions, to business, and to industries across the province. This informal network includes representatives from post secondary institutions, provincial government, sector councils, and individuals working with adult learners in the public, private and voluntary sectors. Members are excited about the potential for growth of innovative PLAR partnerships in British Columbia and about the potential for a strong provincial network to encourage and support increased activity. Who are we?The BC Prior Learning Action Network (BCPLAN) is a strategic partnership of leaders from the public, private, and community/volunteer sectors who have come together to develop a coherent approach to recognition of prior learning for adults throughout British Columbia. Our members can be representatives from post-secondary institutions, provincial government, sector councils, professional regulatory bodies, employment service providers. It can include, individuals working with adult learners in the public, private and voluntary sectors, as well as PLAR candidates themselves. Members are excited about the potential for growth of innovative PLAR partnerships in British Columbia and a strong provincial network to encourage and support increased activity. What do we do?Together we promote increased access to post-secondary credentials and skilled employment through the informed recognition of the skills and knowledge adults bring to post-secondary institutions, to business, and to industries across the province. BCPLAN accomplishes its mission by developing and sustaining a system of partnerships among industry organizations, post-secondary educational institutions, and employment service providers. Why do we do it?BCPLAN’s mission is to increase access to credentials and employment opportunities. We accomplish this by facilitating the portability, recognition and acceptance of workplace and academic competencies. 1. Provide a communication network and learning community for public and private post-secondary educators, community-based employment service providers, employers and policy makers. 2. Organize and implement educational and professional development opportunities for educators and trainers. 3. Encourage and support innovative partnerships to facilitate increased access to credentials and long‐term employment success for adults in BC. 4. Encourage dialogue, cooperation and collaboration among employers, service providers and policy makers. 5. Support collaborative approaches to recognition of learning solutions in BC. 6. Work with provincial and national organizations to promote and support a unified framework for PLAR in BC and in Canada. 7. Expanding awareness of prior learning options with stakeholders, including information on how to access it. |