On Monday, May 11, 2010, Susan Brown, Jan Carrie, Devron Gaber, Judy Harris (Co-Chair), Linda Long, Norma Strachan, Brian Train, Wendy Watson (Co-Chair), and Christine Wihak met to discuss the following items:
- A communications strategy for BCPLAN
- Incorporation into a society
- Membership
- Funding Application – LMP
1. Communication Strategy: The group discussed the BCPLAN communication strategy proposal, written by Chris Brown, BCPLAN Web Developer, which highlighted how the website can support engagement and help to build a community.
2. Incorporation: The group agreed to move ahead with revising and finalizing bylaws in order to apply for not-for-profit status this summer.
3. Membership: The group discussed possible categories of membership and resolved to seek consultation on this from the broader group. The importance to be clear with members what they will receive in return for their membership fees was also brought forward. The fee structure is TBD and will be discussed at future meetings.
4. Funding Application – LMP: The group decided to move forward with an application to the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development’s (ALMD) Labour Market Partnership (LMP) fund. Once BCPLAN is incorporated it will be eligible to apply for this funding. Once a draft application is completed it will be sent to board members for wider consultation before it is submitted to ALMD.