May 27-29, 2020
“RPL: Awakening Individuals and Organizations; Strengthening Cultures”
December 11, 2019
Dear Colleague:
On behalf of the conference planning committee it is my pleasure to invite you to the 31st Annual RPL Conference.
This conference will be the first opportunity to share our newly completed International Indigenous RPL Practitioner Manual. The Manual demonstrates the integration of best practices from mainstream prior learning with the teachings of Indigenous Peoples. It shines a light on the flexibility of the portfolio as a powerful tool that can positively influence the lives of individuals, change the structure and function of organizations and strengthen Indigenous cultures.
The conference theme is based on the firm belief that RPL is a positive force in a rapidly changing world, building bridges instead of walls and opening up new opportunities and vistas for individuals and organizations. Our goal is to explore the power of RPL as a change management process which positively impacts the quality of our lives and to provide concrete examples of its impact on individuals, organizations and communities.
The conference will take place at the Ramada Inn (formerly the Travelodge) in Belleville, Ontario, May 27- 29, 2020. We hope you will join with us in continuing to strengthen and expand the practice of prior learning and adult friendly approaches that acknowledge the legitimate learning needs of adults.
Additional information will be available on our website ( and by email early in 2020 regarding the conference program, conference registration, the call for proposals and hotel registration. As always, we welcome ideas and suggestions regarding topics for workshops and plenary sessions. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you in May.
Feel free to contact me at, if you have questions related to any aspect of the conference. Please share this information with others who may be interested.
Happy Holidays!
Yours truly,
Paul Zakos, Chair, Conference Planning Committee